Efficient & Sustainable Buildings that get you better Asset Value

Reduce carbon footprint, lower operational expenses, and enhance brand reputation to attract and retain high-profile tenants.

We Understand Your Pain Points!

BMS - The White Elephant

Typical BMS system remains highly unutilized in many buildings, providing lower value for the initial investment. This leads to manual operations & error-prone data collection.

Lack of Compliance & Certifications

Inability to measure carbon emissions hinders sustainability compliance, which impacts attraction & retention of high profile tenants.

High Operational Costs

Manual and reactive maintenance decreases asset life and result in high costs and reduced asset performance.

AI-Powered Solutions Tailored for Builders & Operators

Intelligent Building Automation System

  • Connect IT, Facility, and IoT systems and create an Interactive Digital Twin for new and retrofit buildings
  • Centralized Command Control System for a unified view across multiple vendors & building systems
  • Autonomously Control Building Systems that have built-in fault detection and diagnosis engine (FDD)
  • Customizable tenant controls for climate, lighting, and other preferences
  • AI & ML based insights for predictive maintenance, anomaly detection

ESG Monitoring & Reporting for Compliance

  • Regularly measure and analyze ESG Key Performance Indicators.
  • Track energy consumption, savings, and get reports on energy, water, waste, environment & emissions (Scope 1 & 2)
  • Meet the sustainability standards like ASHRAE, WELL V2, BOMA, and ESG (GRI, GRESP) to attract high-profile tenants
  • Use no code eForms to capture carbon footprint (ESG Scope 3)
  • Draw in environmentally conscious tenants with proven sustainability practices

Asset & Maintenance Management

  • Implement comprehensive maintenance programs for critical systems and equipment
  • Predictive analytics and condition-based monitoring to optimize maintenance schedules
  • Asset registration, tracking and management tools for improved visibility and control
  • Streamline operations with automated work order management and reporting

Unified Interface for your Campus

  • Provide a unified mobile interface for employees, visitors, and staff to access campus services
  • Ensure secure check-ins with a touchless visitor management system
  • Integrate wayfinding, capture service requests and common space/ amenities booking
  • Digitized workflows for managing contractual employees and other services
  • Broadcast emergency evacuation alerts, event notifications etc. to campus occupants and staff

Active Energy Management

  • Track, monitor, and control energy inefficiencies with AI-driven automation and policy-based controls
  • Optimize energy consumption to lower common area maintenance (CAM) expenses
  • Help tenants save on energy bills and attract large enterprises
  • Enhance transparency and accountability with utility bill management and cost allocation

IoT and AI
Driven Products

db AUTOmate

Most Advanced IBMS with ESG Monitoring

db Energy

AI-Powered Active Energy Management

db Optima

Data-Driven CAFM/ CMMS to improve the Uptime of Assets

db Spazio

Workplace Technology Suite for embracing Hybrid Work

db Sensors

Smart Sensors for real-time insights & correlation


Improve Asset Uptime by 40%

Predictive maintenance and advanced fault detection ensures that your equipments, such as HVAC systems and elevators, are always operational, reducing downtime and repair costs.

Autonomous Operations

Streamline and automate building operations, from climate control to lighting and security, enhancing operational efficiency and reducing manual interventions.

Improve Resource Utilization by 20%

Digital Statement of Record for tasks, improve maintenance management and resource utilization efficiency by 20%

Our Satisfied Clients

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Other Verticals that we serve!

Builders & Operators

Corporate Offices & Campuses




Data Centers

of building costs are associated with capital expenses, while 75% of costs are used to operate a building over its life cycle.
Only 0 %

Optimize your building operations today!

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