ESG & Sustainability: How to push for better ESG Performance

84% of IoT deployments aimed at addressing UN Sustainable Development Goals to help companies push for better ESG performance – World Economic Forum Analysis

FlamencoTech has been working with Environment related use cases across industries, real estate developers and partners keeping conservation of air & water, reduction in emissions, improved hygiene etc. at its core

The Digital Blanket® platform combined with our partner solutions help to achieve your ESG goals

How digital blanket® IoT Solutions help with ESG performance?

Our Universal Edge Appliance ® for ESG metrics include

  • Air Quality
  • Carbon footprint
  • Energy efficiency
  • Water quality and usage Waste
  • Workplace Employee well being
  • Hygiene
  • GHG
  • Emission across Co2, TVOCs, PM2.5

Our IoT solutions in the supply chain & Data centres aim to deliver real-time carbon footprint monitoring and in-transit visibility. This kind of data give a level of granularity that lets companies monitor the carbon footprint of their logistics supply chain in ways that can contribute to ESG measurement.

Our traditional Smart Real Estate IoT solutions continue to evolve, from traditional Energy measurements across HVACs along with space, utilization of properties to tracking people, to a much more granular Indoor location tracking system. It goes beyond reporting to providing predictive models for changing Building usage & Machine failure patterns thereby giving companies secure and accurate data at their fingertips, including information about their building, people, safety, maintenance, and more.

We executed several projects around Industry Green standards that are considered as ESG equivalent for Building certifications focussing on energy efficiency, CO2 emissions, water usage, waste recycling and the sustainability of the materials used. We use these industry data in our Digital Blanket® platforms when building AI models to benchmark against collected data patterns against certifications around Energy Star, LEED, BREAM. ASHRAE, Well 2.0 and Fitwel.

How can we analyse energy and energy wastage?

To save energy, we must measure & report energy usage, analyse energy wastage and then optimize for energy savings. First, automatically collect real-time energy meter readings (AMR), UPS readings and BMS data and indicate normal and abnormal operations. Then we must report real-time energy data, energy tracking, trending and forecasting with automated alarming on breach of target, thresholds or events.

Then we must analyse real-time and historical data to reveal energy usage trends and patterns, demand peaks, spare capacity for additional load, and relationships between equipment and the conditions affecting system stability.

We must measure and compare power consumption across buildings, department, zones, shifts and processes and allocate costs. Calculate the cost for energy usage based on tiered rates, & Power Factor penalties.

We must support algorithms for analysis of energy consumption, savings and wastage and optimization metrics to identify and prioritize best practices for energy savings. Validate utility bills and billing errors against totalized consumption.

How does digital blanket® enable Energy Savings and Energy Analytics?

Digital Blanket® provides adapters for retrofitting into existing environment including Grid, UPS, Diesel Generator, Gas, Lighting, HVAC, Solar etc. with control of HVAC & lighting based on zones, schedules and occupancy.

Digital Blanket® regulates energy usage through control of HVAC and Lighting. Real-time monitoring, alarming, and power quality analysis to avoid critical conditions that can cause equipment failures and downtime. Identify locations of poor power factor and justify power factor improvement measures.

Digital Blanket® enables setting of targets, tracking energy wastage due to poor scheduling and improper set points. It correlates building occupancy data with power consumption for building operations to help understand energy wastage. Reveal historical and current load patterns and hidden capacity in correlation with occupancy.

Digital Blanket® also helps transition data to insights with pre-configured KPI’s, descriptive and predictive dashboards (comparisons – historical to current, between buildings, floors.) with flexibility to personalize the visualization layer. Digital Blanket® employs advanced Fault Detection and Diagnostics for HVAC and these enable direct energy reduction due to early fault detection and suitable addressal of these faults.

With condition monitoring, we simulate multiple operating scenarios of any rotary equipment like chillers, pumps, colling towers etc. Then we can link such simulated performance curves to the current performance to identify possible conditional variances and, hence developing faults.

Condition Monitoring can be combined as a unified process for continuous improvement in tune with the best practices for Energy Management (ISO 50001), Asset Management (ISO 55001), ESM, and Performance Measurement & Verification (IPMVP), providing measurable and verifiable outcomes. Integration with energy control enforces energy conservation and sustainability and helps you to comply with your energy-efficiency and emission-reduction obligations.

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